Healing and meaningful change begin inside of you. While our natural tendency may be to look outside ourselves for an explanation and a solution, our greatest opportunity for change lies within our own choices, actions, and perspectives.

No matter what you're struggling with, know that change is possible. Healing can happen. You can build greater resiliency and wellness. Even when it feels like you have no choice and that there are no paths forward, learning to bring curiosity and observation to your process offers the choice point needed to make change.

Irene O’Neill, M.SEd, LPC, SEP, NARM

You are not meant to travel this life alone; life is often more manageable, fulfilling, and enjoyable when you have someone to walk along side you as we find your own way forward.

I consider it one of my greatest honors to journey alongside my clients on their path towards healing, wholeness, and resiliency. I’d love the opportunity to help you in whatever it is you need.